Introduction to HTML

Web design simplified

Introduction to HTML

Structure of a webpage




Text Formatting








Classes and Id's




Study guide
  • What is HTML?
  • What are HTML tags?
  • What do i need to get started?
  • How do i set up my first page?
  • Example of a simple html code and its output

HTML stands for hyper text markup language, it is a standard markup language for documents to be displayed in a web browser, it allows the user to create paragraphs, headers, links etc on a webpage

HTML tags are used to specify that a document is html for example, every HTML document must start with <html> and end with </html>, <> defines an opening tag and < /> a closing tag

To start html coding, you require a text editor eg notepad++ and a browser eg Google chrome, you can download them below

To setup a new webpage on your computer, open notepad++ or any other code editor, create a new file and save it on your desktop or any other directory as firstwebpage.html, the html extension is required as it defines the file as an HTML document, once saved you can start editing the file on notepad

Step 1

Open notepad and create a new file and save it as firstwebpage.html

Step 2

Open the saved file on notepad

Step 3

Open the folder where you saved your firstwebpage.html file, right click and open the file with chrome or any other browser

Step 4

Split the screen to have the file opened both on notepad and chrome, you are now ready to write your code

Example of a simple html code, the Output is displayed on the right ⇒

You can try the code yourself in the editor below

Final output

Try out the code


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